
Exams are a fair way o£ testing student. Do you agree?

[A] Every year thousands of students take important exams which can decide their future. For example, students have to pass exams with satisfactory grades in order to get a place in a university. However, are exams a fair way of judging j a student’s ability?

[B] On the one hand, exams seem fair. The questions are the same for all students. Also, tine exams are marked according to a strict scheme and usually by more than оnе examiner. Furthermore, students do tine exams at the same time and under tine same conditions.

[C] On the other hand, there are some drawbacks with exams. Despite some students deserving to pass, they might be so nervous on the big day that they make a mess of the exam. Moreover, there may be other reasons, such as illness, which affect a student’s performance in an exam. An alternative to exams would be a system of continuous assessment of course work by teachers during the year although this would mean more regular testing and more work for teachers. There would be a greater opportunity for students to copy work, too.

[D] To sum up, exams are not the ideal way of testing students and the idea of assessing students work over a longer period is becoming more popular. In my opinion, the best system would be a mixture of the two-50% exams and 50% course work.



Before you start 

1 Read the essay and match these headings with the paragraphs (A-D)

-your conclusions

-arguments against the title


-arguments for the title


2Which of the underlined linking words:


-contrast ideas? ; List ideas? ;summarise?

give examples?


A For and Against' Essay 


Сhoose one of the titles below and write an essay giving your opinions. Follow the stages and see Writing Help 7 on page 143


-There should be no compulsory school subjects. Students should be allowed to choose the subjects they want to study,

-Schools don't prepare young people for life in the real world,

-There should be more discipline in schools.


Stage 1


Write some notes Jforr and 'against' the title.

Example (for the first title)



Students don’t work hard if they’re not interested in the subject



Some students might only choose’ easy’ subjects 


Stage 2


Make a rough plan. Organise your notes into four paragraphs.


-arguments against the title

-arguments for the title

-your conclusions



Stage 3

Write your essay. Use Linking.

Then check your essay.


In groups, read each other’s essays.
Do you agree with the others?
